Category Archives: Parents & Carers
Community Litter Pick

The Friends of Temple Newsam Park with the support of Temple Newsam Estate are organising a Litter Pick and Clean up of Halton Moor Wood and Bell Wood on Wednesday 19th February 10.00am – 1.00pm. Please click here for more information and to see how you can get involved.
Have Your Say On Proposals for Temple Newsam Estate

Click here for details of presentation meetings which will explain Leeds City Council's proposals for the Temple Newsam Estate and how you can get involved.
Police and Communities Together (PACT) Meetings and Contact Points

The Police and Communities Together (PACT) process gives you the chance to speak to your Neighbourhood Policing Team every six weeks, have a say on how your Neighbourhood is policed and monitor the Policing Team's performance. For details of PACT meetings in your neighbourhood please click here
TNCP Newsletter January 2020

Please click here for the January 2020 edition of the TNCP Newsletter
Health, Exercise & Nutrition For The Really Young (HENRY)

Do you have children under 5 years old? Being a parent is rewarding but challenging at times. Meadowfield, Templenewsam and Colton Children's Centre are running an 8 week course to encourage your child's growth and learning through supporting to change your family's habits to be healthier and happier!
There is an opportunity to meet other parents and share ideas and experiences. For further information please click here
Leeds SEND Information Advice Support Service – Spring Term dates 2020

Do you need impartial information advice and support on:
- SEN advice at school;
- EHCP (Education & Health Care Plan);
- Specialist Provisions;
- Other SEND questions
Clarion Futures – Security Training

Clarion Futures are running a 6 day security course to obtain a SIA (Security Industry Authority) licence (includes first aid in line with new SIA regulations). An Induction Day will be held on Monday 24th February at 11am. For further information please click here
Leeds Museums & Galleries – Volunteer Store Tour Guides

Leeds Museums & Galleries have vacancies for volunteer Store Tour Guides to deliver guided tours and carry out further research to develop the current tour script. The time commitment is one day per week. For further information please click here
Leeds Museums & Galleries – Industrial Archives Volunteer

Leeds Museums & Galleries have a vacancy for an Industrial Archives Volunteer to assist with the cataloguing and collection of maps and plans depicting the development of major Leeds industrial concerns. The time commitment is 6 hours per week. For further information please click here
Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC) Being A Parent Course – Starts Monday 20th January 2020

The Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC) Being A Parent Course aims to improve child development and outcomes, parenting, family resilience and family relationships. The Being a Parent course creates a trusting group ethos, where parents are encouraged and supported to explore:
- Positive behaviour management and discipline strategies.
- Managing parent and family stress.
- Understanding and managing children's feelings.
- Parent listening, communication, play and interaction skills.
- Attachment and parent-child relationships.
- Parenting roles, expectations and culture.