Structure and our partners
Click here to view the TNCP’s terms of reference.
The TNCP is a partnership made up of the following:
Corpus Christi Catholic College
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Templenewsam Halton Primary School
Meadowfield, Templenewsam and Colton Children’s Centre
All partners listed above, apart from Corpus Christi Catholic College and Corpus Christi Primary School, form part of a wider Multi Academy Trust: The Red Kite Learning Trust
The TNCP Cluster Team works on behalf of all TNCP partners to provide universal and targeted services and support programmes to local children and families.
To find out more about the Red Kite Learning Trust click here.
To find out more about the RKLT’s mission, values and goals click here.
To find out more about the RKLT’s structure and governance click here.