Category Archives: Parents & Carers

Meadowfield, Templenewsam and Colton Children’s Centre – What’s On Guide – January To April 2020

Please click here to view the most recent guide for the Meadowfield, Templenewsam and Colton Children's Centre


Volunteering Opportunities – Leeds Museums & Galleries

Would you like to gain experience in developing activities for family audiences using your creativity? Leeds Museums & Galleries are recruiting volunteers to assist visitors in engaging with the museum through craft and other creative activities. The volunteers will be supporting the Learning Officer and the museum team during the busy holiday periods to ensure the smooth running of the activities. For further information please click here


#Techmums – Free IT Training Course

Leeds Libraries & Leeds Employment and Skills are welcoming new recruits to a 10 week free IT training course starting in January 2020. The #techmums clubs are a key part of the Leeds City Council 100% Digital Leeds programme. For ten weeks, women on the free course explore social media, web and app design, coding, online safety and creative design. For further information  please click here


Community Consultation – What Is Important To You In Your Community?

We wanted to know what the important issues are in the community so that we can use your views and opinions to drive the work of the TNCP. This will include campaigns for our TNCP School Council, work in the community, Holiday Activity Programmes, and the wider work of the TNCP. Click here to see the results of the consultation.


TNCP Cluster Team – Closure Over Christmas and New Year Period

Please note the TNCP Cluster Team will be closed between Friday 20th December 2019 and Monday 6th January 2020. Please click here for a list of services/agencies that you may find useful, should you feel that you need support during this period.


Red Kite Learning Trust Newsletter – December 2019

Please click here to see the Red Kite Learning Trust December 2019 Newsletter


Meadowfield, Templenewsam and Colton Children’s Centre – December Newsletter

For the December edition of the Meadowfield, Templenewsam  and Colton Children's Centre Newsletter please click here


The Lucy Faithfull Foundation

The internet plays a positive role in many aspects of young people’s lives, but it can also be used for inappropriate, risk-taking or illegal sexual behaviour. It can also be difficult for parents, carers, and professionals to know how to respond and support a child.  The Lucy Faithfull Foundation is the only UK-wide charity dedicated solely to preventing child sexual abuse.  For further information regarding the charity please click here



Parenting Course – Run by parents for parents

For details of a free 8 week parenting course, run by parents, which aims to help parents learn practical skills to bring up confident, school ready and happy children please click here


Calm Harm App

For some young people self-harm is a way of coping with distressing experiences (for example relating to family life, or problems at school such as bullying). In the longer term, it is possible for the young person to develop alternative ways of dealing with the underlying emotions related to their self-harm. Regular counselling/ therapy may be a helpful way for the young person to start to do this. The free Calm Harm App  enables young people to start to