Do you have children under 5 years old? Being a parent is rewarding but challenging at times. Meadowfield, Templenewsam and Colton Children’s Centre are running an 8 week course to encourage your child’s growth and learning through supporting to change your family’s habits to be healthier and happier!
There is an opportunity to meet other parents and share ideas and experiences. For further information please click here
Do you need impartial information advice and support on:
SEN advice at school;
EHCP (Education & Health Care Plan);
Specialist Provisions;
Other SEND questions
Leeds SENDIASS is impartial, confidential and accessible to all parents and carers of children with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. Leeds SENDIASS involves parents and carers, children and young people in discussions and decisions about their individual support. For information regarding Spring 2020 SENDIASS Drop In Advice Sessions please click here
Clarion Futures are running a 6 day security course to obtain a SIA (Security Industry Authority) licence (includes first aid in line with new SIA regulations). An Induction Day will be held on Monday 24th February at 11am. For further information please click here
Leeds Museums & Galleries have vacancies for volunteer Store Tour Guides to deliver guided tours and carry out further research to develop the current tour script. The time commitment is one day per week. For further information please click here
Leeds Museums & Galleries have a vacancy for an Industrial Archives Volunteer to assist with the cataloguing and collection of maps and plans depicting the development of major Leeds industrial concerns. The time commitment is 6 hours per week. For further information please click here
The Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC) Being A Parent Course aims to improve child development and outcomes, parenting, family resilience and family relationships. The Being a Parent course creates a trusting group ethos, where parents are encouraged and supported to explore:
Positive behaviour management and discipline strategies.
Managing parent and family stress.
Understanding and managing children’s feelings.
Parent listening, communication, play and interaction skills.
Attachment and parent-child relationships.
Parenting roles, expectations and culture.
The course is run by Parents for Parents, is completely free and is aimed at parents in Leeds who have one or more children between the ages of 2 to 11 years. It does not run during school holidays.
The course starts on Monday January 20th 2020 and will be held at Templenewsam Halton Primary School between 1-3pm.
Would you like to gain experience in developing activities for family audiences using your creativity? Leeds Museums & Galleries are recruiting volunteers to assist visitors in engaging with the museum through craft and other creative activities. The volunteers will be supporting the Learning Officer and the museum team during the busy holiday periods to ensure the smooth running of the activities. For further information please click here
Leeds Libraries & Leeds Employment and Skills are welcoming new recruits to a 10 week free IT training course starting in January 2020. The #techmums clubs are a key part of the Leeds City Council 100% Digital Leeds programme. For ten weeks, women on the free course explore social media, web and app design, coding, online safety and creative design. For further information please click here
We wanted to know what the important issues are in the community so that we can use your views and opinions to drive the work of the TNCP. This will include campaigns for our TNCP School Council, work in the community, Holiday Activity Programmes, and the wider work of the TNCP. Click here to see the results of the consultation.