Category Archives: Parents & Carers
Community Consultation Opportunity

Please click here to complete our online survey to help us determine our future priorities and for your chance to win a restaurant voucher. It should take less than a minute to complete this.
Temple Newsam Community Partnership Newsletter: December 2018

Click here to view our most recent newsletter.
FREE Everyday English Skills course running in January

FREE Everyday Maths Skills Course

Online Survey to Help Determine Future Priorities

Click here to complete our online survey to help us determine future priorities for the Cluster Team service. All of those who take the time to complete our online survey will be entered into a prize draw for restaurant vouchers.
Community Committee Meeting: 11th December: 4.00 to 6.00pm

New Incredible Toddlers Parenting Programme Starting in January

Groups and courses coming up in the spring and summer terms 2019

Parenting Programme for Under 5’s with Learning or Developmental Needs

FREE Leeds United Foundation Provision