Category Archives: Communication

TNLP Trust Consultation: Staff and Community Members

Please click here to complete our most recent consultation for teaching, support and cluster staff and community partners including volunteers, school governors and local businesses. This is your opportunity to have your say and influence decision making in regards to future TNLP Trust priorities to improve outcomes for local children, young people and families. All responses will be entered into a free prize draw for restaurant vouchers.


Easter Holiday Event at Leeds City Museum

Click here to view Urban Art Easter event at Leeds City Museum.


Spring Events at Temple Newsam House

A number of events are planned to take place at Temple Newsam House during spring and Easter. Click here to view their most recent publicity.


TNLP Trust Most Recent News

View our most recent news and updates by clicking on the link below: TNLP Trust most recent news


TNLP Trust School Council Consultation

We recently asked our TNLP Trust School Council to tell us what they thought children and young people wanted to see more of in their local area. The photograph below shows what was most popular. Consultation Dotocracy


TNLP Trust School Council – Portrait

Our TNLP Trust School Council as they see themselves. Working hard to represent their schools and their local community! Portrait pics white background


Little Shop of Horrors at Temple Moor High School

Little Shop of Horrors performance is taking place at Temple Moor High School all next week. Get your tickets now! Click here for more details.  


Calling all Halton Moor Residents – New Tenants and Residents Association

A public meeting is due to take place on 17th March at the Temple Learning Academy with a view to setting up a local tenants and residents association for Halton Moor. If you live locally and would like to get involved please click here to find out more!


Pupil Voice and Influence

We are really proud of the opportunities we provide as a Trust for Pupil Voice and Influence. As well as our very own TNLP Trust School Council, all Trust schools have their own school councils. Here is a photo of Templenewsam Halton Primary School Council who recently visited London to meet MP's to inform them about road safety concerns in our area. Children and young people are making a huge positive difference in our community! Well done!


Safer Internet Day!

We support Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 9th February. Click here to visit their website to find out more about keeping safe online.