New AQA Level 1 Introduction to Volunteering Course due to take place in November and December 2016. This new course also includes Safeguarding Children and Young People Training. Click here for full details and information on how to book your place. Click here to view the events section of our website if you would like to book online. If you would like to book online you will need to register your details in the top right hand corner of the website first.
All posts by Gemma Sargeant
TNLP Trust Annual Fundraising Campaign: Monday 26th to Friday 30th September
Lots of fundraising taking place this week in support of the TNLP Trust and local families. If you would like to make a donation please visit our local giving page here.
New TNLP Trust Led After School Club: Music Centre
Please click here to view publicity for our TNLP Trust Music Centre running for the full academic year 2016 to 2017.
Sainsbury’s Colton Fundraising Events on Behalf of TNLP Trust
As we are now Sainsbury’s Colton’s Charity of the Year they have started to arrange charity events to help us to raise much needed funds to help continue and improve our services within the local community. They have arranged a full weekend of events next week on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September.
As they are making such a huge effort on our behalf it would be great if we could help them out with volunteers.
If you have a spare hour on either day for the in store events please do let me know so that I can make necessary arrangements on
If you would like to take part in the road cycling event please register direct online following the instructions below. Just to reiterate that you don’t have to be a keen cyclist to take part in this – children, young people and families are welcome to be involved. You don’t even have to do the entire route. Just whatever suits you.
Details for each event:
Charity Car Wash
In Sainsbury’s Colton car park all day from 9am on Saturday and from 10am on Sunday
In Store Cycling Challenge
Exercise bike challenge in the main entrance to Sainsbury’s Colton from 9am on Saturday and from 10am on Sunday to see how far volunteers can cycle over the full weekend.
Sainsbury’s Colton charity road cycling event to raise money for the TNLP Trust and other supported charities
2 day event taking place on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September.
Day 1: 1 to 10 stores: 65 miles: Ripon to Shorehead.
Day 2: Route 1: 1 to 11 stores: 29 miles: Sainsbury’s Colton to Dewsbury.…
Day 2: Route 2: 18 stores: 30 miles: Moortown to Dewsbury.
You don’t have to be a keen cyclist – Any age, any ability welcome and you can do as much or as little of each route as you chose. All you need is your own bike and helmet.
This event is being organised and led by Sainsbury’s so hundreds of their staff will be taking part across Yorkshire. Members of the public and supported charities such as ourselves are also invited to participate. If you would like to take part all you need to do is:
Register online:
Password: BIGRIDE
Colton specific store code: 0867
TNLP Trust Newsletter: August 2016
Click here to view our most recent newsletter.
Physical Chastisement Guidance
Some guidance has been produced to support positive behaviour in the home. Click here to view the guidance.
Animal Themed Activity Offered by Meadowfield Children’s Centre
Click here to find out more.
First Aid Course Available at Meadowfield Children’s Centre
Click here to find out more about a First Aid course running locally and to book your place.
TNLP Trust Job Vacancies
Two new TNLP Trust job vacancies are currently available.
Click on the following links to find out more:
Education, Employment and Training Support
Click on the following links to find out more about education, employment and training opportunities for pre and post 16’s: